Thank you...
to the Woodbridge County Councillor's Locality Budget Grant which meant that we could produce promotional materials and provide medical cover and a public address system...
to Woodbridge Town Council for the encouragement, support and advice given to us in the development of this event...
to the Woodbridge Climate and Environmental Emergency Committee for sharing the water quality test results and offering their encouragement in the pursuit of our goals...
to the Woodbridge Riverside Trust for sponsorship and sharing 'Sae Wylfing'...
to our Relay Participants and Swimmers who braved the wind over tide conditions to bring the Declaration carefully upriver...
to 'Peter Duck' for offering mid-river support...
to our River Marshalls and Deben Yacht Club who made sure everyone got here safely...
to the Woodbridge Boatyard and Tidemill Yacht Harbour for temporary moorage...
to the 5th Woodbridge Sea Scout Group for sharing their space and providing refreshment...
to Felixstowe Radio for extensive coverage and promotion...
to the River Deben Association and Molendotech for their exhibition stands...
to Nick Fowler and the Choir for their beautiful singing...
to Charmian Berry for capturing our story...
to the HM Coastguard in case we needed them...
to Transition Woodbridge for organising the 'Environmental market and local food fair'...
to Jan Pulsford for including this celebration in her Woodbridge Ambient Music weekend...
and finally to Woodbridge Mayor, Patrick Gillard for welcoming the public, to Suffolk County Councillor Caroline Page for reading the preamble. and for guest speaker
Paul Powlesland
for declaring the Rights of the River Deben.
- with heartfelt thanks, Ruth Leach Co-Founder of the 'Save The Deben' Campaign and event organiser.
credit for photography 'submitted by participants' and Charmian Berry of Berry Photographics